To pay the people in your value chains a living wage or income. That is an amazing ambition indeed. Yet, it is not an easy one. ALIGN is guiding you through the process.
As a guidance tool for agri-food companies, ALIGN is aiming to reduce complexity around the topic of living wage and income. We bring together the work of leading organisations and experts, directing users to relevant resources, tools and partners.
ALIGN is developed by Hivos and Fairfood (co-founders of the Living Wage & Income Lab), the Rainforest Alliance and the Sustainable Food Lab, with support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, implemented by GIZ. The platform is built on the endorsement and expert contributions of the Living Income Community of Practice, the Global Living Wage Coalition, Fairtrade International and the WageIndicator.
Source map
Learn about the current state of wages, incomes and working conditions risks in your supply chains, and access relevant initiatives and best practices.
Action process
The action process is designed to support agri-food companies to tackle effective action towards a living wage for workers and a living income for farmers in their supply chains. The step-by-step process will guide you through the steps of a living wage and a living income strategy and provide you with tools and approaches that your business can use to act. The process builds on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD due diligence guidance for responsible business conduct. It is structured in basic steps adapted to specifically address living wages and living income.
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