Belize has a population of 405 thousand people.[1] Belizeans inhabit rural and urban regions almost evenly, as 54% reside in rural areas[2] while the rest 46% live in cities.[3] Around 17% of the population is employed in agriculture[4], a sector that accounts for 7.8% of the nation’s GDP.[5]
Belize has bountiful land and water resources and exports large quantities of fruits to foreign markets. Despite its fertile land and ample resources however, the country imports half of its food for national consumption. Additionally, most production is driven by large plantations, with smallholders typically characterized as underproductive. Smallholders often own quite sizeable plots, sometimes as large as 10 hectares, but usually they only use a fraction of their land for production. [6] Belize is highly vulnerable to external shocks and climate related distasters which further compromise its fiscal sustainability[7].
The top produced commodities in Belize are sugar cane, maize, bananas, and oranges.[8] In terms of export quantity, the top products are raw sugar, bananas, maize bran and molasses.[9]
- ^ World Bank (2022).
- ^ World Bank (2022).
- ^ World Bank (2022).
- ^ World Bank (2022).
- ^ World Bank (2022).
- ^ IFAD (2018). Resilient Rural Belize.
- ^ IFAD (2021) Belize Country strategy note 2022 2024.
- ^ FAOSTAT (2022).
- ^ FAOSTAT (2022).
Minimum wage
The general minimum wage for Belize is 5 Belize dollars (2.3 EUR) per worker per hour or 975 Belize dollars (438 EUR) per worker per month.[1] Due to an insufficient number of inspectors as well as the low fines assigned for violations, the government has not always been effective in enforcing labour law regulations. Even though the minimum wage is generally respected across the country, there are several incidents where undocumented Central American workers were paid below the minimum wage on a regular basis. The informal sector is estimated to consist of 47% of the labour force, and the government did not enforce labour laws in this sector. [2]
- ^ WageIndicator Foundation (2023). Minimum Wage – Belize.
- ^ U.S. Department of State. (2023).
Living wage
The Global Living Wage Coalition has developed a living wage benchmark for rural Belize, based on the Anker methodology, which focuses especially on the so-called banana belt in the southern region of Belize.
The Anker Living Wage Benchmark for rural Belize is estimated at 1,027 Belize dollars (461 EUR) per worker per month. The benchmark is based on a family of 4 with 1.59 full-time workers. This is the wage required by workers in southern rural Belize to afford a basic but decent standard of living. Southern Belize, the region of focus for the given benchmark study, is where most of the country’s banana production occurs. Due to the strong presence of the banana sector the area attracts many migrant workers, especially from Guatemala. The Belizean banana sector is characterised by a small number of producers with large plantations. Together with the citrus and sugar cane sectors, the banana sector serves as a key source of employment for the country. Even though the focus of the study is southern Belize, due to the country's size, it can be argued that the living wage estimate is generalizable for all of rural Belize. [1]
Living income
The Living Wage Benchmarks included a Living Income report, estimating the living income in rural Belize at 40,228 Belize dollars (741 EUR) per month[1]. This is the necessary amount for a family of 4 with 1.59 workers to afford a basic but decent living.
- a, b Global Living Wage Coalition (2023). Living Wage Report: Rural Belize.