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World bank, 2014
Poverty headcount ratio at $3.65 a day (2017 PPP) (% of population)
Population below international poverty line

Equivalent to 5,196.34 Nicaraguan córdoba per worker per month.
WageIndicator Foundation, 2023

per month
Agriculture minimum wage

Equivalent to 12,726 Nicaraguan córdoba per worker per month (Northwest Nicaragua).
Global Living Wage Coalition, 2023

per month
Rural living wage

Equivalent to 15,733 Nicaraguan córdoba per worker per month (Managua free trade zone).
Global Living Wage Coalition, 2023

per month
Urban living wage
World bank, 2019
Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
Agricultural workforce
World bank, 2021
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP)
Agriculture share of GDP


Nicaragua has a population of 6.5 million people,[1] with approximately 59% of inhabitants living in urban areas.[2] Almost a third of the population is employed in agriculture,[3] a sector that accounts for 15% of Nicaragua’s GDP.[4] Among Central American countries Nicaragua has the lowest per capita income and poverty levels remain extremely high in rural areas.[5]

Three-quarters of all Nicaraguan farmers cultivate plots of less than 3.5 hectares, yet these smallholder farmers are responsible for more than half of the country's agricultural exports. In Nicaragua, agriculture is typically characterized by a lack of infrastructure, unskilled labour, and minimal basic services. This sector has about three-quarters of its workforce employed informally. Additionally, Nicaragua's agricultural sector is particularly vulnerable to weather events such as hurricanes.[6]

Nicaragua’s top commodities in production are sugar cane, milk, maize, and rice.[7] In terms of export quantity, the top commodities are raw sugar, molasses, coffee, and bananas.[8]

  1. ^ World Bank. (2019).
  2. ^ World Bank. (2019).
  3. ^ World Bank. (2019).
  4. ^ World Bank. (2019).
  5. ^ IFAD. (2017).
  6. ^ IFAD. (2017).
  7. ^ FAOTSTAT. (2018).
  8. ^ FAOSTAT. (2018).


Minimum Wage

Nicaraguan law establishes a minimum wage that varies per industry, ranging from 5,196 Nicaraguan córdoba (134 EUR) per month in the agricultural sector to 11,629 Nicaraguan córdoba (299 EUR) per month in the construction and financial sectors.[1] Still, according to government calculations, the average legal minimum wage is just enough to cover 35% of the basic costs of living. In addition, minimum wages are only enforced in the formal sector, and the informal sector in Nicaragua accounts for the majority of employment, an estimated 77%.[2]

Living Wage

The Global Living Wage Coalition has developed 2 living wage benchmarks for Nicaragua, one for Managua and one for Northwest Nicaragua.

The living wage in Managua is estimated to be 15,733 Nicaraguan córdoba (405 EUR) per month and is based on a family of 4 with 1.68 full-time workers.[3] This benchmark focuses on workers employed by the manufacturing sector in the Las Mercedes Industrial Park and Free Trade Zone near the airport of Managua. This area provides incentives for international industries to operate in Nicaragua and is very important for creating employment opportunities for the youth in Nicaragua.[4]

The living wage estimate for Northwest Nicaragua is 12,726 Nicaraguan córdoba (327 EUR) per month and is based on a family of 4 with 1.62 full-time workers.[5] This estimate focuses on workers employed in coffee, banana and other agricultural sectors. The Northwest region of Nicaragua is dominated by agricultural labour, employing an estimated 1 million agricultural workers each year. When comparing the estimated living wage and the agricultural minimum wage, the living wage turns out to be almost twice the minimum wage for agricultural workers.[6]

  1. ^ WageIndicator Foundation. (2020).
  2. ^ U.S. Department of State. (2019).
  3. ^ Global Living Wage Coalition (2019).
  4. ^ Anderson, L., Anker, R., and Anker, M. (2019). Living Wage Report: Managua, Nicaragua.
  5. ^ Global Living Wage Coalition. (2020).
  6. ^ Anderson, L., and Hernani-Limarino, W. (2017). Living Wage Report: Nicaragua.

What's happening


Platform for sustainable coffee

The Nicaraguan Platform for Sustainable Coffee (Nicafés) addresses critical issues in the coffee sector such as profitability and smallholder inclusion as a multi-actor platform for dialogue.


Poor work conditions in sugarcane

This report shows the lack of decent labour conditions in the sugarcane industry in Central America and assesses what stakeholders are doing to ensure decent labour conditions.


The economic lives of smallholder farmers

An analysis of smallholder farmer incomes based on household data from nine countries. FAO, 2015.


Living Wage Benchmark, northwest Nicaragua

Living wage estimate for Northwest Nicaragua, focussing on banana and coffee workers. Global Living Wage Coalition. 


Living Wage Benchmark, Managua, Nicaragua

Living wage estimate for Managua, Nicaragua, focussing on the manufacturing sector. Global Living Wage Coalition, 2019.

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